Book Collection
The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland holds a collection of over 5,000 books, Many of the books have been donated by members over the years. The Library contains a large selection of titles relating to Irish archaeology and Irish history
Journal Collection
The Library holds in excess of 5,000 journals. There is a large collection of Irish journals, and is particularly strong in the areas of archaeology and history. There is a significant collection of Irish journals, but the collection also contains titles from the UK and further afield.
Photographic Collection
RSAI have collected a comprehensive collection of photographic albums and slides, primarily depicting archaeological sites in Ireland. In addition to these we have a large collection of glass lantern slides. A project is currently under way to digitally preserve the lantern slide collection and make them publicly available.
RSAI Archive
The RSAI has preserved a variety of communications, documents and drawing, sketches from luminaries including Miller, Robertson and Graves. These include a selection of antiquarian drawings by George Victor Du Noyer.
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