Mindful of the importance of the conservation of its significant historic property, which was acquired in 1917, the RSAI is aware of the necessity to continually monitor the structural and decorative fabric of Society House. In 2015, we created a Conservation Management plan, which was funded by the Heritage Council and carried out by RIAI Grade-1 conservation architect Margaret Quinlan, and structural engineer David Kelly. The plan, which identified the most immediate structural needs of the property, as well as longer-term recommendations, forms the basis for our ongoing plans and fund-raising programmes for the house.
To view the full Conservation Management plan please click here.
Due to the wonderful generosity of its members, the RSAI has recently completed conservation and consolidation of the eighteenth century stuccoed-ceilings on the first floor, and we have recently completed painting and decorating of the entrance hall, staircase and front drawing room. But more work urgently needs to be done, including:
• updating of the electrical works in the house
• repair to the original wrought-iron stair balustrade
• removal of the linoleum on the staircase and restoration of original floorboards
We are appealing to you to help us to ensure the preservation of our Georgian House and allow continued use of the rooms for both members and guests. For details of how you might help, and the related tax incentives, please contact us here.
If you wish to donate to the RSAI you can do so below: