Council members and management

The management of the RSAI is entrusted to the Council. This consists of the President, four vice presidents who represent each province of Ireland, the honorary general secretaries, honorary treasurer, honorary editor and twelve fellows or members.

The 2024 Council is as follows:

Dr Kelly Fitzgerald

Vice Presidents
Leinster: Dr John Gillis
Munster: Dr Griffin Murray
Ulster: Mr Cormac Bourke
Connacht: Dr Kieran O’Conor

Joint Honorary General Secretaries
Ms Elizabeth Allman and Ms Niamh Flood

Honorary Treasurer
Dr Brian Dornan

Honorary Editor
Dr Kelly Fitzgerald

Members of Council

Dr Meriel McClatchie

Dr Rachel Moss

Ms Isabella Mulhall

Dr Lynda Mulvin

Ms Eleanor Neil

Mr Tim O’Neill

Mr Cóilín Ó’Drisceoil

Dr Peter Crooks

Dr Conor Lucey

Mr Conleth Manning

Dr Laura McDermott

The RSAI is managed by:

Ms Marysia Wieckiewicz-Carroll

Executive Officer
Ms Priscilla Sonnier

The Charitable purpose of the RSAI is the advancement of education, which the Society carries out through an annual programme of lectures, talks, excursions and outings, publishing an annual academic journal and by providing access to the Society’s extensive research resources.

The Society also provides training opportunities for recently qualified librarians and archivists who volunteer to be part of the locloud digitisation project.

The Statutes and Bye-laws of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland can be accessed here

The Accounts of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland are audited each year by independent Auditors. Our current Auditors are Fitzgerald & Associates, Certified Public Accountants, Statutory Auditors, 6 Sullivan’s Quay, Cork. Latest financial statement can be found here.

Registered Charity Number: 20001285
CHY (Revenue) Number: 818