Online Collections

In partnership with the Discovery Programme, the RSAI is currently taking part in an EU-funded project called locloud, which is working towards the online publication of the collections of small cultural organisations around Europe.

Our part of the project focuses on our collection of historic lantern slides, and of the drawings and notebooks of George Du Noyer (1817–1869), the noted artist, geologist and antiquary. These collections are being scanned and digitised by a small team of dedicated volunteers.

To view our unique collections please click here.

The Society periodically needs volunteers for this project. If you are interested in gaining experience with image digitisation and metadata please contact the Office for details on upcoming internship opportunities.

Image Purchase

The RSAI image collections are available for use in a wide range of academic and commercial settings. Please contact the Office for information on costs and permissions.

The images are not to be cropped, superimposed with text, or altered in any way from its original form unless prior permission for alteration is received from the RSAI. Alterations may be allowed on a case-by-case basis. If the RSAI does allow cropping of image after review, the image must be credited as a “detail.”