Volume 142-143, 2012-2013
Aideen Ireland
The Stonyford burial: fact or fiction (part I)?
Emma Anderson
The Bekan horn: some new contextual suggestions
Brian Dolan
‘Mysterious waifs of time’: some thoughts on the function of
Irish bullaun stones
Linn Marie Krogsrud
Checklist of Viking-Age silver hoards from Ireland
Sarah Erskine
Is the Cloc ind Édachta St Patrick’s oldest and most important
medieval bell-relic?
Paul MacCotter
Parish, pastoral care and túath in the diocese of Limerick, c. 1201
Yvonne McDermott
Kinalehin, Co. Galway: a history of Ireland’s only Carthusian priory
and its conversion to a Franciscan friary
Peadar Slattery
The timber and wood trade, woodlands, house building and
repairs in the English colony in Ireland, c. 1350-c. 1570 (part I)
Charles Smith
After the Tyrells: the later lords of the manor of Castleknock, Co. Dublin
Elaine Murphy
Two inventories of goods belonging to Sir Hardress Waller in Ireland
J.B. Maguire
History of the Apollo Room
Christian Corlett
The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland and the protection
Of monuments (part III)