RSAI Medal

RSAI Medal Nomination formThe RSAI Medal, designed by Tim O’Neill, will be awarded to a member or members in recognition of exceptional service to the Society and presented at the AGM. Ordinarily, no more than one medal will be awarded annually. It will only be awarded in years when a candidate of suitable standing has been nominated. Recipients of the award will have been a member, ordinarily for a period of more than five years. They will have demonstrated exceptional service to the Society through participation in Society events, facilitating administration of the Society, the care of its house and collections, etc.

Nominations for the award will be submitted on the RSAI medal nomination form by 31 October each year. The nominator, who must be a member of the Society in good standing, will outline the reasons why the nominee should be considered for the award, and the nomination will be supported by three additional signatories, also members of the Society. The process is strictly confidential, and the nominee should not be made aware of the nomination.

Award of the medal will be decided by the Awards Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee comprises the current Officers of the Society (President, Honorary Treasurer and two Honorary General Secretaries) and a minimum of one and maximum of three past presidents. The committee will meet once a year to decide on the award.

RSAI Medal Nomination form